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[Streaming Mpeg4libpng-1.2.7

Description: PNG encoder & decoder libpng version 1.2.7 - September 12, 2004
Platform: | Size: 2488320 | Author: 许成亮 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4libpng-1.2.7

Description: PNG encoder & decoder libpng version 1.2.7 - September 12, 2004 -PNG encoder & decoder libpng version 1.2.7- September 12, 2004
Platform: | Size: 2488320 | Author: 许成亮 | Hits:

[2D GraphicFLib

Description: FCDib封装DIB操作的类;FCDibEffect 32Bit-DIB特效处理; FCImage图像文件处理操作,支持Jpg, Gif, Bmp, Pcx, Tga, Png格式;FCLzwLZW算法编/解码类。RLE算法 RLE算法编/解码。-DIB operation FCDib package type FCDibEffect 32Bit-DIB treatment effects FCImage image file handling operations in support of Jpg, Gif, Bmp, Pcx, Tga, Png format FCLzwLZW algorithm for encoding/decoding type. RLE algorithm RLE algorithm encoder/decoder.
Platform: | Size: 889856 | Author: 王群 | Hits:

[Special Effectspng_decode_encode

Description: 最新png 图片格式编/解码源代码,供高手研究-Png picture format of the latest encoder/decoder source code for the master study
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: eric | Hits:

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